
Training event

14.05.2024 -

The University Dermatology Clinic Magdeburg invites you to the 226th Magdeburg Dermatologists' Afternoon on 5 June 2024. The event starts at 5 pm in House 65 (ZENIT).

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Magdeburg research team discovers important switch for cell survival

13.05.2024 -

The Translational Inflammation Research (TEF) working group headed by Prof. Dr. Inna Lavrik from Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg has identified a promising starting point for the development of more targeted cancer therapies.

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Successful Future Day at the UMMD

08.05.2024 -

On April 25, 2024, Magdeburg University Medicine opened its doors to curious boys and girls for the annual Future Day. Future Day, also known as Girls' Day and Boys' Day, is an initiative that allows pupils to get a taste of careers that are traditionally less frequently chosen by their gender.

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